Thursday, August 14, 2014

Houston Mesa horse camp

Three of the AzHC board members and their spouses, (Angie Villa, Dan Rosenfield , and Chip Wilson) hada enjoyable time as they visited the Payson Houston Mesa Horse Camp.  Overall we spent three days and nights atthe horse camp.  The campsites were well maintained with two corrals at each site.  Restrooms were clean with flush toilets and running water in the sinks and showers were available a short distance away.  Reservations were
accomplished on the web site and one of the board members arrived with no reservations and the camp host assisted with the acquiring of their site.  Over all this procedure has greatly improved.  Talking with the Camp Host stated that the Tonto National Forest Service has announced that the horse camp will be maintainedWe enjoyed ourrides on the trails in the area.  Trails have different types of riding conditions that range from very easy with some up and down hills to some places that are in need of maintenance.  We enjoyed the views and the riding through the trees and cooler temperatures then the valley.  The trails were not used very much and met very few additional users while out on the trails.  We encourage the use of the horse camp and highly recommend the enjoyable camp site and trails.
The Tonto National Forest is finishing up on its Travel Management review and the closure for thecomment period is August 18, 2014.  They have four proposals and are asking for public inputs.  Please go to the web site and provide comments to the Tonto National Forest.  We do not want to lose the trails that have been designated as non-motorized for many years.  The pressure from the OHV community is to open these trails up for motorized use as well.  Please look at the proposals and make your comments heard.  Help keep andpreserve this horse camp and surrounding trails!
To access the Draft EIS for the Travel Management Plan:
This includes maps, specialist’s reports, and related documents. Or to go directly to the DEIS PDF file.
Mail to:
Neil Bosworth, Forest Supervisor
Attn:  Travel Management
2324 East McDowell Road
Phoenix, AZ 85006

Email to: